Fire Prevention Week 2018: Are you ready?

Have you done everything you can to lower your home’s risk of a fire? While most homeowners are apt to answer “yes,” the reality is that minimizing your home’s fire risk takes constant attention. As the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) kicks off Fire...

Tips To Reduce Fire Hazards This Fall

The incidents of fires rise each winter, as people enjoy their fireplaces, turn on their furnaces and heat their homes with space heaters. To keep your home safe this winter, follow these tips to reduce fire hazards in your home. Have your chimney swept and inspected...

Don’t Let a Leaky Chimney Damage Your Home!

A little bit of water in or around your fireplace might seem innocuous enough. However, if you see signs that water is leaking in through your chimney, you have a serious problem! A leaky chimney can cause damage to your home that can turn into serious and expensive...

Understanding Chimney Swifts

Chimney swifts are a common site in North America, particularly the Midwest and eastern states, each summer. These birds spend their winters in Peru then return north in early March to nest. Usually their nests are in place from May through November. If your home has...

The Value of a Good Chimney Cap

Let’s face it: chimney repairs are expensive. What if you could take one simple, inexpensive step to protect your chimney from all sorts of dangers? A good chimney cap is worth its weight in gold. The chimney cap covers the opening of your flue entirely and is...