by Richie Baxley | Dec 15, 2019 | Fireplace Services
Is your chimney looking less than ideal for Santa’s arrival? Then, it’s time to invest in some seasonal maintenance! Fortunately, if you live in or near Asheville, the team at Environmental Chimney Service is here to help. We can provide you with a comprehensive...
by Richie Baxley | Feb 28, 2019 | Chimney Flashing
Anywhere your home has seams or openings, there’s a chance for water to enter into your home and do damage. The base of your chimney is no exception. Water that finds its way in around your chimney’s base can cause severe damage to your roof and roof supports. It can...
by Richie Baxley | Jul 17, 2018 | Water Damage
A little bit of water in or around your fireplace might seem innocuous enough. However, if you see signs that water is leaking in through your chimney, you have a serious problem! A leaky chimney can cause damage to your home that can turn into serious and expensive...
by Richie Baxley | Feb 26, 2018 | Water Damage
Spring sends a lot of water at your chimney from melting snow to rain. That’s bad news, as nothing can damage your chimney quite like water can. With spring’s wet weather on the way, it’s important that you know the signs of water damage in your chimney and how to...
by Richie Baxley | Mar 15, 2017 | Chimney Maintenance
When it comes to chimney care and maintenance, most homeowners focus on keeping their chimney swept and inspected to help prevent a chimney fire. While a clean chimney is undoubtedly crucial, your chimney’s No. 1 enemy is, in fact, water, according to the Chimney...