The effects of water damage on your chimney

Most people would list a chimney fire as the most likely threat to your chimney, but the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) tells us otherwise. According to the CSIA, nothing is more damaging to your chimney than prolonged water exposure. Because chimneys are...

The Purpose of Proper Chimney Flashing

Anywhere your home has seams or openings, there’s a chance for water to enter into your home and do damage. The base of your chimney is no exception. Water that finds its way in around your chimney’s base can cause severe damage to your roof and roof supports. It can...

The dangers of creosote buildup

If you have a chimney and want to keep your family safe, you need to know the risk and danger of creosote. Most homeowners know little to nothing about creosote, and this is very dangerous. If you have a fireplace, here is what you need to know about creosote. What is...