As authorities within the chimney and venting industries, NCSG members know a lot about chimneys. Homeowners should only allow NCSG sweeps to inspect and clean their chimneys. These professionals use the most modern equipment and have received the highest level of training in the industry. When they join the NCSG, they agree to abide by a written Code of Ethics that holds them to a high standard.
A chimney that contains a buildup of creosote is both a health issue and a safety hazard. This buildup can create a chimney blockage that prevents carbon monoxide from escaping. If carbon monoxide travels back into the home, it can endanger the health of occupants, possibly resulting in death. An inexpensive chimney inspection and cleaning can eliminate this risk.
Fire hazards created by a dirty chimney put the home and family at risk. If a chimney fire is caught in time, a huge repair bill may be the only consequence. Homeowners in this situation should consider themselves lucky because if a chimney fire is not put out, it can burn down the house. This fire would not have started if the chimney was inspected annually.
If chimney installation is planned during new home construction or a home remodel, an NCSG sweep should be contacted to conduct an inspection. This ensures that the fireplace and chimney match and that the system is appropriate for the chimney opening and the supporting structure. Approval from an NCSG sweep prevents faulty installation.
Fire is a dangerous thing in itself, so why add fuel to the flame, so to speak? Have an NCSG sweep inspect the chimney prior to installation and each year thereafter. The peace of mind that this inspection provides is worth much more than the cost of the service. Choosing an NCSG sweep ensures that an expert is on the job.