In the mundane details of life, cleaning the dryer vents is never at the top of anyone’s list of things to do…and wouldn’t it be weird if it were? Nevertheless, it should be more of a priority than people give it. Gathering the lint on a regular basis is an easy habit to create after doing a load of laundry. Let us come clean your dryer vents every year so that you can mark it off your checklist and ensure you and your family’s safety!
Why does it need to be cleaned?
Besides the general unsightliness that comes with a dryer exploding with grey lint, it is an incredible fire starter. Used by backpackers and scout troops, alike, to start a quick fire in the woods, even easier does that happen around the heat produced by your dryer. If you notice your dryer is not doing its job effectively or efficiently, it may be time for a change. Your dryer has to work extra hard if it has a clogged vent, which causes these issues:
- Musty smell coming off of clothing after drying
- Dryer appears to be abnormally hot
- Dryer doesn’t appear to be drying clothes in one cycle
- A strangely high electricity bill
What is there to be done?
Once a year is the recommended rate for a dryer vent cleaning, taking into consideration several different factors. Keep in mind the amount of people that regularly use your dryer and in what condition the dryer is in. If it is older and starting to not fulfill the above bullet points, it may be time for a change. If lint isn’t collected on a regular basis, there could be buildup developing where you can’t reach it. Besides the yearly inspection, it is still very important that the lint be cleaned out of the dryer after every cycle. If you have kids, teaching them the proper protocols for washing and drying their clothes will not only give them life skills, but will minimize the amount of lint-caused fires.
We here at Environmental Chimney Service don’t ask that your dryer lint take precedent over your other life activities, but maintaining a consistent schedule for cleaning it eliminates so many future problems. Give us a call today or book an appointment on our website!