Homeowners have a lot on their to-do list. There are constantly chores and maintenance: the landscaper to fertilize the lawn in the spring, the exterminator to keep away pests in the summer and the chimney sweep to prepare the chimney for the fall. With the constant cycle of appointments your home needs each year, you can take advantage of forward scheduling your annual chimney appointment to help you stay on top of that annual task.
What is forward scheduling?
Forward scheduling is just what it sounds like: Scheduling your appointment in advance. Forward scheduling usually is done at the end of your current year’s appointment: Your chimney sweep will offer to set the next year’s appointment, or the service company’s office will call shortly after the service has been completed to schedule the next routine appointment.
Why should you forward schedule your appointment?
The number one advantage to forward scheduling your annual chimney sweeping and inspection is that you won’t forget to have your chimney serviced! You know that your chimney should be swept and inspected, as advised by the National Fire Protection Association, at least once per year after the end of one fire-burning season and before the next fire-burning season begins. Homeowners who forget to schedule their fall appointments can be left scrambling to have the service completed when temperatures drop. When you wait to the fall to schedule your appointment, you can be met with long wait times because fall is the busiest season for the chimney sweeps. Forward scheduling can ensure that you won’t miss out on using your fireplace when the temperatures drop!
Forward scheduling also affords you flexibility. When you aren’t contending with the chimney sweep’s already busy schedule, you can choose a time and day that are most convenient for you. You also can consider having your chimney cleaned as soon as the fire-burning season ends. Spring cleanings and inspections remove smelly and corrosive creosote from your chimney, so it’s not left to sit and cause damage or unpleasant odors during the hot summer months. A spring inspection also leaves plenty of time to have any needed repairs completed before the fall.
How can you forward schedule your appointment?
If forward scheduling sounds like a good idea to help you cope with your ever busy schedule, call Environmental Chimney Service today! We can schedule your annual chimney inspection to have you ready for this fall’s fires, and we can schedule next year’s appointment, too, so you don’t have to worry about it for next year! And don’t worry about forgetting about the appointment you are setting so far in advance — We will be sure to call you in advance to remind you about the appointment and to make sure you are ready for our sweep!