Protection from Creosote Build-Up

When it comes to home repairs, some homeowners will often try the “patch it for now, deal with it later” approach. Simply put, this usually ends up costing a lot more money in the long run. If the area of needed repair or cleaning involves the chimney or...

A Brief History of Chimney Cleaning

The outline for a brief history of chimney cleaning looks something like this: Chimneys Become a Problem Urban crowding begins Indoor fireplaces become increasingly popular Chimneys have to be smaller Master sweeps do not fit Modern Day Chimney Sweeps Arise Orphans...

Avoiding Creosote Buildup in the Chimney

Chimney maintenance is a tough and painstaking job. Since a chimney is typically in regular use, it requires regular cleanup. One of the things that should be regularly cleaned from a chimney is creosote. Now before we get into the cleanup process, let us understand...